What is it?
A month-long course perfect for any drummer frustrated with their left hand speed and consistency.
How it works
I’ll be guiding you with 28 daily videos, breaking down grooves and exercises from my book ‘The Equaliser’ and giving you the tips and tricks I have discovered along my path to building some serious left hand strength and dexterity.
You’ll also be given two 1:1 45min sessions with me, tailored to your questions and your needs.
There will also be weekly group catch up sessions where you can ask me questions and share your progress.
But it won’t just be me helping you! You’ll join the Alpyne community where you’ll have your peers to support you in a closed group where you can chat and post videos of yourself playing. This is all easily accessible through the website or Alpyne app.
The course runs from the 4th - 31st of January, this time frame isn’t strict, but it’s a fantastic way to hold yourself accountable and start the new year feeling the best you ever have about your playing!
It won’t be easy, but the long term results far outweigh the initial effort you put in over the 28 days.
Feel free to download and check out ‘The Equaliser’ now for free to see what we’ll be getting up to in January and if it’s something you’d like to be part of.
So excited to see you then!

The is and isn'ts...
This course won’t make your left hand better if you just watch it or read the book! I think we all wish it were that easy.
A course for a total beginner.
Although reading isn’t VITAL for this course as there are videos, a decent understanding of notation is recommended
A fantastic way to finally take the bull by the horns and improve your left hand speed
For drummers at an intermediate level onwards
A chance to meet like minded drummers and also Emma herself!
So what am I getting exactly?
Everything That's In The Course
28 Day Course: New video and content each day
1:1 Time with Emma: 2x45 mins Zoom sessions
4 Live Classes: with playback
Closed Group: with other enrolled students

Frequently asked questions
Can I see a sample first!
Of course the workbook that Emma uses throughout the course can be downloaded for free at https://www.alpynehq.com/product-page/the-equaliser-left-hand-matrix
How to make sure you receive emails from Alpyne
If emails from us keep ending up in your junk/spam folder, you need to register the email address we're sending emails from as trusted or whitelisted. Please check this video on how to do it in gmail.